Thursday, July 24, 2008

savage attack response

Dear Senator and Mrs. Obama,

How can it be? That words - so powerful, can also be so abusive and born out of such intense ignorance, that they threatened to send the disability rights movement back in time, and to a place so chilling, I shudder to think of it? The image of Laconia State School New Hampshire, in the 1960’s comes to mind. I am naive if I think this image is the past. Sadly, in many States in the US and across the globe abuse of the rights of individuals with disabilities is the present and their horrific future.

The words I am referring to, are that of the radio talk show host Michael "Weiner" Savage who made extremely offensive and denigrating remarks concerning children with autism, labeling them as "brats," "idiots" and "morons." In addition, he places the blame on poor parenting and lack of paternal interaction in families to correct what he perceives as misbehavior.
As a parent of a child with Autism, of course I was outraged by Savages words and shocked at his level of ignorance, and arrogance. Is this really how people (8 mil listeners) think? I shuddered once more.

I write to encourage you act in support of many originations and individuals who have spoken out against Savage’s ridiculous and ill-informed rant. I know that your voice would encourage the sponsors of his radio show to pull their funding. I hope that Savage will then be forced to reconsider standing by his words as his did so today. I try not to be curious as to why his brother died in an institution, I just want him to appreciate how out of line he is.

Like many, I work to ensure that more people with challenges stay living in their communities, loved and cared for by people who have an understanding, and invest their time in seeking out better ways to support all individuals in our community. As you know, ordinary people, every day, choose to educate and inform themselves, broadening their understanding and empathy for those living with differences, rather than feeding fear and prejudice, but they do not have a radio show.

You are our voice. Please speak loud for us.

Yours sincerely, Elizabeth Macdonald, mother of two quite distinguished, and different children - I truly hope.

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