Thursday, August 30, 2007

Update to New Hampshire Leadership

My Name is Liz Macdonald, and I am a ’05 Leadership graduate.

This is my first update since graduating from the Leadership training, and truthfully, I thought I did not have much to share. Not that leadership did not give me the tools I needed to “go out and make a difference” for it surely did. I just thought my life was not worthy of note. ‘I’ll write when I’ve done something’ I said to my self each time I received the prompt email from devoted Beth Dixon.

This year is different, and in comparison to most of the updates I have been reading, especially Laurie Mc Cray ( wow!) – my contributions are not on the same scale, Yet since 2005 I have accomplished many things – and so has my son.

John will begin 1st grade next week, and in the midst of new construction at his school, I met with the new principal sharing with him my vision for my son, the school and our community. I also uncovered his “self interest” and established the beginning of what I hope will be a fruitful relationship.(I wouldn’t have done that before Leadership!)

Leadership introduced me to post graduate learning. Now I ‘need’ to keep learning and have attended several conferences, workshops, and last year I studied at Antioch New England, completing the Autism Spectrum Disorder Certificate Program. It was a brilliant opportunity to work with such high-liners in the field as Stephen Shore, Larry Welkowitz and Teresa Bolick. I met many people dedicated to the education of those on the spectrum, and was able to apply everything I have learned to my own situation, with many positive results.

Earlier in 2006 I gathered members from school and community to form a playgroup here in Hinsdale. My motivation was to be a local version of ‘Child-Find’, to help us identify children that may be at risk for developmental delay. The play dates continue to be successful and parents report smoother transitions into school for their youngsters who regularly attend and tell us they have made lasting friendships with folks they met at one of the play session. Our efforts were recognized by the Family Support Council (Affiliated with our area agency- Monadnock Developmental Services) who presented the playgroup with a check$ last spring to help sustain the group. The playgroup is also supported by the Hinsdale Prevention Coalition, who are invested in prevention of drug abuse along with Family Strength. We also team-up with New Hampshire Healthy Kids, and Cheshire Smiles who use the playgroup setting to educate children and their parents.

In retrospect, I realize that my family has moved from isolation to involvement through collaboration. And Leadership bought about this change.

Back in Feb. 06 The Collaboration for Autism initiative from New Hampshire Connections gained momentum here in the Monadnock region, and in June 07 a group of us completed the first stage of ‘Camp Inclusion’. Representatives from MDS, Antioch, New Hampshire Connections, and the Family support council, Monadnock Family services and more coordinated a full days training for over 50 local and regional camp directors and personnel. We are delighted at the success of the training that featured Cathy Apfel and surrounded the issue of how to increase the opportunities for AS kids in a multitude of recreation environments.

Recently, The Parent Information Center provided me with the training needed to become a surrogate Parent, and as I wait to be of service, I have become a parent advocate for families who need support to navigate the world of special education. My second advocate IEP meeting is next week, and I hope to be of service to more families as we head into the school year.

As the summer ends we the Macdonalds ‘brace ourselves’ for the transition back to school, we plan our next action,,,, which is to apply for citizenship and then to vote!

Thank You Leadership for making me more accountable.
Best to all, Liz Macdonald