Sunday, December 17, 2006

be careful what you wish for......

I made it into the advanced counseling! know I have so much to learn about counseling techniques, terminology, and more, that I was more than a little apprehensive when I enquired about the possibility of getting onto this advanced study, but after a long telephone conversation with Celia Oliver, Ph.D., Psy.D., it felt right, and fits with the direction in which I think I am headed. Celia is fabulous, and I am sure I will benefit greatly from her instruction.So now I have to follow through with my commitments. Be good to my word, or else that all there is just "words"Those of you that have had the miss-fortune to share a class with me will know that I have words - many - some that you might not understand ( E-N-G-L-I-S-H ) and some even I don't understand - but I going to learn.I am going be good to my words.No new years resolutions for me - I am still working on promises I made over two years ago.....What follows is from my last assignment for the New Hampshire Leadership series

"Now that I have ‘Leadership’ this is what I can do….. March 30th 2005
Organize. My local school area had yet to implement a child find.I am working with my pre school team to organize an efficient and appropriate child screening system. Currently, I am reaching out to other school districts and areas to find a model that both suits Hinsdale and is effective method of catching children with any signs of developmental delay. Our goal is to have it up and running by this fall.
Plan. I will monitor the progress that my son makes and take the necessary actions to achieve the goal of mainstream, yet appropriate education by the age of 8I will focus on Daisy to ensure she has the supports she needs to be success too.

Mission/Goals. I will spend less money on stuff, and give more thought our environment.
I will exercise 3 times a week.
I will not let my health take a back seat.
I will not feel guilty because I have not done things that I should.
I will feel good that I have made a difference each day.
I will eat less and dance more.

Self Interest.
I plan to complete at least one 1:1 each month, and use it not only as a way to further my self-interest, but to establish my self within the community.
I will construct my life so I can be more effective, and creative. I want to start my own business this year, and attend to it as much as John and Daisy’s education schedule allows, but have it at the forefront of my mind at all times.
I need to measure my performance; I need to be appreciated for what I do well.
Leadership and John has shown me that I am more than a designer, or a mother.I am an advocate. And I like it!

Be more involved, and active.
No longer is it someone else’s job right a letter, or to fight for a right, or be outraged.
I am convinced that Politicians do listen, do read, and sometime even act upon what I have to say. I will have more to say, as I feel more educated.
I know how to get educated, or I know whom to ask.

Motivate.I have found that sharing my ideas and actions with others motivates them to do more.I can lead by example, motivate others and myself to be more active, more impacting, and have a greater sense of achievement.Leadership gave me the knowledge to make a difference.

Thank you Leadership. "

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